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Paragraphs - czyli jak zapanować nad rozbudowaną strukturą treści

Z perspektywy osoby odpowiedzialnej za zarządzanie treścią serwisu internetowego ergonomia korzystania z CMS jest kluczowa - wpływa ona na jakość i efektywność pracy. Podczas tego wykładu dowiesz się w jaki sposób możesz oszczędnie kreować typy zawartość wewnątrz CMS tak, aby uniknąć komponowania skomplikowanych treści w ramach edytora WYSIWYG, zapewnić ergonomię interfejsu oraz reużywalność komponentów.

How TypeScript saved my sanity

When I was trying to handle complex JavaScript project I have almost lost my mind. After switching from well defined PHP codebases I felt like I am missing tools to get things right in our team. Let me tell you a story of how I have stopped to worry and used TypeScript to save my sanity. And projects as well.

Keynote: Lessons Learnt from a decade in Drupal

During the past 10 years I have had quite a journey with Drupal. It started in 2007 while I was at university, then I continued learning it when I graduated and became a freelancer.

Since then many things changed from being a hobbyist learner, to teaching new developers and users what I've learnt.

During this session I'll be sharing the key moments and learnings that were significant for me so that you can benefit from my learnings and save time.

Best practices with composer and git for Drupal 7 and Drupal 8

In this session, I'll be presenting some of the best practices in building Drupal 7 and 8 websites using composer and git workflows.

If you're still committing the complete Drupal source code into your repo, or are still stuck in 'drush make' it's time to learn how to build your website in a maintainable way.

Topics covered:

Views Bulk Operations for Drupal 8

Views Bulk Operations (VBO) module allows selecting certain view rows and executing actions on the selection. This functionality has been implemented in Drupal 8 core but it's very limited comparing to VBO, that features: